Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pox Be With You

So there really haven't been any maladies to grab my attention over the last few months. Leastways, not until I saw the headlines (and heard the radio reports) Wednesday morning. Herpes? Yes!

But not what you're thinking.

Herpes gladiatorum, or Mat Herpes, is a skin infection that wrestlers get. It's caused by the Herpes simplex 1 virus, so it behaves like a cold sore: blistering, painful. Very contagious. Getting this can put you out of competition for a week or more.

And because of a couple dozen cases of said malady in Minnesota wrestlers, the Minnesota State High School League has suspended wrestling practice or competition until February 6 in order to get things under control.

The same condition is found in rugby players, but (as rugby players do) they have given it the much more entertaining name of Scrumpox. The name is so adorable, this blogger took it for his own.

My advice? Don't rub up against other people unless you really have to.


Circe said...

Here is a good place for my ever-famous doctorly advice, "Don't pick at it." That's very good advice when it comes to herpes.

Brendon Etter said...

I love rubbing against people! Damn! You know the State High School League could have just made the wrestlers wear those bodyssuits that speedskaters wear, but with gloves and face coverings, and no skates.

Or they could have simply had wrestlers remove all their skin.

But shutting down the sport for a week? Why do they have to jump to the most extreme precautions first?

Herpes is love's obsessive way of saying: I'll never leave you.

Grace said...

Well- there goes my weekend...

I see you are no longer allowing anonymous commentary, hmmm....
